As specialists in horticulture, we understand gardens. It can sometimes feel quite overwhelming but together with your ideas we are here to help you create your own oasis in your very own backyard.
Initial consultation We will meet you at your property to discuss your vision and share our ideas. This is a great time to show us photos and pictures of gardens and plants you love so we can talk to you about incorporating these in your new garden. We will discuss the specific goals for your project and establish a mutually agreeable expectation, timeline and budget. This will be followed up with a quotation for us to undertake a garden report and plan.
Time to get cracking We will return to your property to survey your site with the intention of starting your project. At this visit we will be wanting to find out detailed information about your property such as the type of soil you have, where the prevailing wind comes from, site orientation, existing vegetation, topography and any other thoughts you may have since our initial consultation.
Garden report and plan You will receive your report and plan that has been brought together with the collection of ideas we will have gathered. In most cases the plan will be detailed enough for our Horticultural Team to provide you with a free quote to implement your plan.
Fees and costs associated with each step of the planning process will be carefully explained when we receive your enquiry.
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow – Audrey Hepburn